Middle School
I, Mrs. Shackelford, teach English Language Arts for middle school, in which we focus on reading analysis, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and speaking and listening skills. Each class reads a summer reading novel and 3-4 books during the school year, sometimes in literature circles. Sixth grade studies ancient history through the Enlightenment, learning about the process of civilization, the similarities and differences of world cultures, and the impact of ancient events. Seventh grade studies American history from the Age of Exploration through Reconstruction, learning about legislation, events, and key figures that have shaped American life and government. Eighth grade studies Mississippi Studies in the fall semester, learning about the geography, cultural influences, development, and government of our state. Introduction to World Geography in the spring semester is an investigation of physical and human geographical processes and their impacts on one another. Students can earn 0.5 Carnegie units for high school from each course in eighth grade.