Elementary School 1st - 5th Grade » 1st Grade

1st Grade

First grade is a fun, hands on learning year of transitioning to "big kid" school.  We do many STREAM activities and try to implement hands-on learning as much as possible!  In this loving, hands-on classroom, learning is not just about absorbing information; it’s about making connections, exploring the world, and growing in a supportive atmosphere. For ELA, we use Open Court which encompasses all of our writing, phonics, and reading. In religion, we learn about the Golden Rule and loving others to get ready for the sacramental year in second grade. In math, we focus on number sense, place value, addition and subtraction, money, time, and geometry. In science, plants are a huge part of our curriculum! Social studies focuses on being a member of a community and learning rights and responsibilities of being a citizen.  Social studies and science are also integrated into our reading curriculum. We also take field trips throughout the year as an extension to the classroom and have real world connections to what we are learning.